Friday, July 11, 2008

Going Forward with Faith.....

We are busy inspecting missionary apartments the last 4 weeks here in Portugal. We have made a few wrong turns, but seen even more of the beauty of Portugal. It's wonderful getting to visit everyone 2 on 2, one more time. We love these faithful servants of the Lord!

After all the wrong turns, we finally went out and bought the mission a GPS system. President Henry wanted us to buy it, try it out, then teach them how to use it so the new mission President won't have to make so many wrong turns next July. It's really like a Liahona. It requires faith, especially when you don't have any clue where you're going. Isn't that true of every step we make as we progress in life? We never know the outcome, but go forward having faith that if we do our part, the Lord will guide us along safely. Don't you just love the Gospel?

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I love the analogy ... that's so true! I also love all the new posts, keep up the good work!